Revamil Melginate

Revamil Melginate

Revamil Melginate is a calcium alginate sheet impregnated with pure honey produced under controlled conditions. The carefully controlled production process guarantees that Revamil Melginate with honey does not contain any traces of pesticides and that the same quality can be reproduced consistently. When Revamil Melginate is applied on exudating wounds a gel is formed by absorption of wound fluid which protects the wound against maceration.

Due to the properties of the alginate applied, i.e. the alginate is fast gelling, non-dispersible and has a high wet integrity, the alginate gel covers the wound and maintains a moist wound environment.

The alginate sheet impregnated with honey, before and after gelling, protects the wound against bacterial ingress. The gel facilitates easy dressing change because it does not stick to wound and no residues remain in the wound after removal.

Revamil® Melginate key characteristics are:

  • High moisture absorption capacity for use on low to high exudating wounds
  • Protection against wound infections. Factors that contribute to the antibacterial protection are the low pH, the enzymes in the honey, and the low activity of water and high sugar content.
  • Fast gel formation for maintenance of mois wound environment
  • Borders of alginate are not impregnated to maintain high absorption capacity and to prevent maceration

To use for: infected wounds, surgery and radiation induced oncological wounds, different types of exudating wounds, bed sores, different kinds of ulcers, minor (1rst- and 2nd degree) burns


Revamil® Melginate is supplied in two sizes (5x5 cm,10x10 cm).

100% honey in 100% calcium alginate

Use within three months of opening.

The product is manufactured under Bfactory's ISO 13485 certified quality management system. Revamil® Melginate is a Class IIb CE registered product; optimum safety is therefore guaranteed.

Pharmaceutical substances
Revamil® Melginate contains no pharmaceutical substances and is paraben-free.

Always contact your physician in case of serious wounds, or in case of doubts.

Directions for use
1. When required first clean the wound in the conventional way
2. Open the outer packaging of the pouch
3. Remove the dressing from the transparent blister
4. Apply dressing to wound surface
6. Cover and secure Revamil Melginate dressing with an appropriate non-occlusive secondary dressing
6. In case of high exudate level change the dressing every 24 hours
7. In case of moderate exudate level change the dressing every 3 days or earlier when the dressing has reached its absorbance capacity

Download Revamil Melginate leaflet (PDF)